Hun Wine: Frozen in Time

Commercial (30 secs)

producer, co-director, locations manager, casting director - budget: £300


the story behind it

This is the 1st commercial I produced, as well as my first time directing which I shared with co-director Jordan Steeds. Having come up with the idea, I worked with a small crew of 5 to bring it all to life.

I wanted to try to redefine what a non-alcoholic drink can be and convey the idea that drinking non-alcoholic dones’t necessarily mean boring but is a choice of empowerment that allows you to keep the good times going for longer instead.

It required 25 extras, a generous amount of production design, complicated VFX work, a specialised camera rig, a considerably sized location, and a unique sound design to bring it all together: all whilst working on a small budget of £300 with just a few weeks to pull it altogether.